A Catholic tarot card reader

4 min read

“Please stop using those. … They’ll send you to hell,” my best friend told me after I consulted my tarot cards. I looked at him, confused and hurt. I was only 14 and I didn’t understand how someone could think my beloved cards could ever condemn me to hell.   

Four years later, I understand how a person may believe that. They simply don’t understand what they are used for. Tarot cards have a stigma of being evil. For some people, they are associated with the devil. While I’m sure some devil worshippers do use tarot cards, most tarot card users do not worship Lucifer.  

Tarot cards and witchcraft have surrounded me since I was born. My Catholic family strongly believes there are spiritual forces. Candles were always lit, green often for St. Jude or La Virgen. Sage was burned every other month. Crystals were given for protection.   

I was around 10 or 11 when I was given my first tarot cards. They came with a book, and I devoured it in a single sitting before opening the pack. Anyone who reads tarot cards will tell you the exact same thing: Each card does symbolize specific meanings, but it is up to the reader what that meaning is. There is not one way to read cards, nor does each card have only one meaning. That was the most important lesson I learned from the book.

After understanding that and learning common meanings, it was time to actually open the pack. I remember forcing myself to open it slowly, even though the cards were yelling my name. Out they came. Gently, I spread them onto my bed.   

A fish. A road. A house. A scythe. Illustrations of ordinary items, each with their own special message. They were perfect for me.   

At first, I was shy, and I only used them for my own personal questions. “Will I get to top 10 this year?” “Will I finally decide on a career?” Eventually, I admitted to my friends that I had begun reading tarot. Before I knew it, I was laying spreads down for many of them. All of them seemed to have the same question. “When will I find love?” (We were in middle school.)    

Of course, some of my friends did not approve. My own best friend was saying I was going to hell because of them. Initially, this stung. Deeply. It took some time, but I learned to shrug these opinions off because I, like my family, incorporated our religion into our practices.   

La Virgen guided the readings. She understood there were times we needed a new spark of hope. She gave us—the asker and I– answers. With her love, how could the cards ever be evil?  

In my later high school years, I began practicing beyond tarot cards. I adopted Wicca as a second religion after learning so much about it. The elements became incorporated into my daily life, and I started practicing spells. The Goddess came to me, and now I practice with Her and my Catholic saints.    

Knowing I only have good intentions doesn’t satisfy my inner conflict though. When I go to church, am I an impostor for my special practices? If he knew, would the priest kick me out for asking the angels to bless my spells? When people ask what religion I am, how do I properly explain both?   

Although that little voice daunts me, at the end of the day, I am not fazed enough to stop practicing both religions. Every day, I carry my tarot cards with me. In times of need, reassurance, or even boredom, I shuffle and ask my questions. A tiny Wiccan altar with the Catholic archangels stays in my backpack permanently to give me faith. Every night, I sleep with a rosary under the pillow. I am a believer of both La Virgen and the Goddess.

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  1. 1

    Thank you so much for sharing. I am new-ish to the world of Tarot and oracle cards and am looking for affirmative experiences by other people who don’t feel any consistency between the worlds of card reading and Catholicism. As a point of clarification, the cards you mentioned (36 card deck of fish, crossroads, scythe, etc.) are Lenormand (https://readlenormand.com/learn/cards-in-lenormand-deck) rather than Tarot (78 card deck of High Priestess, 9 of cups, etc.). I find both forms of reading spiritually gratifying and I sincerely appreciate your generosity in offering your experience.

  2. 3

    I think you should incorporate your religion into your tarot practice. Its not evil at all
    No one can define your personal belief system only you can and what works for you and your values and lifestyle. Listen to yourself and be careful who you share with because people fear what they dont understand. Be open about it with those your trust who will not pass judgement on you.

  3. 4

    Thank you for sharing you have a beautiful story !! I come from a strictly religious family and although they have never out right cursed me, I can see the shade and it makes me so sad my cards aren’t evil, I’m not an evil person. Thank you again you’ve encouraged me to continue my practice wholeheartedly :). Take care, much love and light.

  4. 5
    Richie Believes

    I see both sides. My only worry is that the spirit you are asking these questions too, could be evil and lying to you. Let’s just say if it was possible, what if it made you forget God is all you need daily. What if instead of talking to God daily, you talked to this spirit instead because it made you feel like God is okay with it. The Devil brought a third of the angels from what Catholics say. I believe these cards do bring alot of predictions but I only notice it after the future came. For instance, my son died and I checked my horrors one for some reason. It said my sign was gonna experience losing and having to cope with living without. Then I checked a tarot reading online for that week and it read death and loss and children and it was sad. I see signs more often now but I talk to God instead. My daughter wants to do readings but I’m scared of all the evil spirits on this earth. I always had this movie line in my head saying “The greatest trick the devil ever did, was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Idk, but I know with God is the Only way to go. Since my sons death i see God as a loving parent. I Understand why they say Jesus is the Only way to God. Jesus has to vouch for us. Cause if God felt anyway I felt when I lost my son, He would just have killed us all out of the pain of us killing his Son. I hope that I make a lil sense.. well… Good Luck and stay positive and maybe I’ll see you in the next life. Lol

  5. 7
    Victoria Lopez-Jones

    What a lovely read! your article made me feel confident in reading tarot and la virgen put together. I am 37 and admire you for your confidence at your age. Best wishes in your future.

    • 8

      Putting La Virgen together with tarot is sacrilege and blasphemy against her, her Son, God, and Catholicism. The two cannot be mixed, as they are at spiritual odds in the warfare. The bible strictly condemns divination and tarot is a part of the occult. Thus, while you may think you are putting La Virgen “together” with tarot, you are being deceived by some other entity or spirit in place of her. God bless you.

      • 9

        I’ve read tarot for years, it’s not divination, the cards can’t tell you the future. They’re cold reading with pieces of paper that are adorned in pretty pictures.

        Cold reading is a tool used by “psychics” where they fish for information to then use in their “readings” so you’ll think they’re legit. Tarot cards do the same thing, you’re asking the question but your mind is supplying the reading. You read into the symbols of the cards and applying their meaning to the question your asking. There are no spirits involved.

  6. 10

    Interesting, I’ve been curious to read tarot coming from a mainly christian family that did some bad stuff. I’ve heard a lot about how it can be bad and stuff but I guess if u got the truth with u it should be ok because urd know the difference between the truth and a lie or not. And we always have Jesus as an advocate. I guess I just thought god would be angry at me but when u know the truth about Jesus and who he met with and didn’t judge we can understand we dont go to hell for communicating our concerns with in the use of tarrot, visa versa. Thanks I’ve wondered this myself. Take care😊

  7. 11
    Victoria Addington

    It was most captivating when you shared that the tarot card must be open after understanding and learning common meanings. My friend is looking for a sealed vintage tarot. I should advise her to look for a store that provides rare and antique tarot decks.

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