Two weeks ago, UTRGV was recognized as one of the top 100 testing centers for the College-Level Examination Program, which is the third consecutive time it has obtained such an achievement.
Melissa Pedraza, Testing Center coordinator for the UTRGV High School to University Programs and Testing Services, said the recognition is based on the number of CLEP tests they administered.
“It is basically just stating that we are one of the top 100 testing facilities in the U.S that tests the most CLEP exams,” Pedraza said.
She said almost 700 UTRGV students took the CLEP test last year.
The CLEP “has been the most widely trusted credit-by-examination program for over 40 years, accepted by 2,900 colleges and universities and administered in more than 1,800 test centers,” according to clep.collegeboard.org.
This program allows students to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material and earn college credit. Students can earn credit from any of the offered 33 examinations, according to the website.
Pedraza said any UTRGV student can register for the tests.
“Basically what it is, is you come in … [and] you take a test. Most tests are 90 minutes long,” she said. “And then, depending on your score, we determine how many hours you will be granted credit for. You maybe have, like, previous coursework. One of our most popular ones is Spanish. So, you know, someone who is fluent in Spanish, you can come in, you can take the test, you can earn up to 12 credit hours and that would fill two, three classes that you wouldn’t have to pay for and sit in the class and take, because you already have previous experience with the subject matter.”
She said the test is beneficial for students because it saves time and money.
“Compared to what you are paying for tuition, that’s … a huge difference,” Pedraza said. “And then, not only that, I mean, your time. You are not having to spend, you know, four or five months sitting in a classroom learning something that you already know.”
Lydia Meléndez, a testing specialist for the UTRGV High School to University Programs and Testing Services, said in order to register for the exams, students need to pay an $85 registration fee for the CLEP and $25 for the UTRGV Testing Center.
Students can take the CLEP test in the Edinburg CESS building, located at 1407 E. Freddy Gonzalez Dr., or the Resaca Village Plaza, located at 1601 E. Price Rd. in Brownsville.
Meléndez advises students to make sure they need the courses for their degree plan before taking the exams.
“I recommend that they go to advising first, just to make sure that they are able to CLEP out of a course, meaning that if they take the exam, they won’t have to take the course,” she said.
The available CLEP exams are principles of accounting, introductory business law, information systems and computer applications, principles of macroeconomics, principles of microeconomics, principles of management, principles of marketing, biology, chemistry, college algebra, calculus, introductory psychology, human growth and development, analysis and interpretation of literature, American literature, English literature, U.S. History I, U.S. History II, American government, introductory sociology, French, German and Spanish.
In order to take an exam, students need to visit clep.org to pay the CLEP fee and then to utrgv.edu/testing to pay the UTRGV registration fee, Meléndez said.
For more information about registration, students can visit www.utrgv.edu/testing or call 665-7570 for the Edinburg campus and 882-8875 for the Brownsville campus.