Mass communication junior
“So, I really don’t mind immigration. I think it’s very beneficial to our economy. And also, I think we have to be sympathetic, too, because you don’t know what these people have been through. Some of them are, like, escaping violence and they’re just looking for, like, a better way of living here.”

Rehabilitation services junior
“I usually don’t think about that often, but I think it’s a good thing that they’re releasing the families. But, what are we going to do next to help them because we are releasing them. But then, how are we going to help them, you know? So, I’m not too sure how I feel about that. I’m a little skeptical, but those are just my thoughts about it.”

Nursing sophomore
“I believe it’s a good and bad situation. The good is, one, they came here for a reason, so they’re not going back to their country or anything like that. And the bad would have to be, well, they’re just left homeless, so the poverty number will go up and stuff like that. They should have at least provided them shelter or something like that.”

Interdisciplinary studies graduate student
“I think that in regards to the release of immigrants from custody, I think that’s the right thing to do because at the end of the day in the United States, we always talk about how this is a country of immigrants. And I think that there’s nothing wrong with people wanting to seek safety and a better life. And the conditions that we have seen in places like El Paso, along with the racist rhetoric by our politicians, they really go against what we stand for and that’s opportunity.”
–Compiled by Robert Benavidez Jr. and Aaliyah Garza