If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? “I think maybe, like, a lion, ’cause they are [at the] top of the food chain kind of thing and they just kind of do as they please and [they are] aggressive. Probably, a lion.”
What TV show are you currently into? “Oh, a lot. I really love “Grey’s Anatomy,” that’s probably top, like my favorite. I love “Criminal Minds.” Right now, I’m watching “NCIS” and I’m on season eight. I love “Scandal,” “How To Get Away With Murder,” like, all of those kind of crime shows. Those [are] my favorites.”
Do you have any hidden talents? “Actually, I do have a hidden talent. I’m really good at figuring, like, people’s doppelgangers. I’m really good … like saying what people look like.”
If you could have dinner with any celebrity or athlete, who would it be? “I would really like to have dinner with Gregg Popovich, the Spurs head coach. He’s just been one of my idols ever since I was growing up and just looking at him and, like, how he coaches his players and how his players respond to him. I think that it would be really cool to have dinner with him.”
Who is your personal hero and why? “Definitely, my mom. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I’m at. She is my biggest supporter. She is my rock and everything I do is because of her.”
Who makes you laugh the most on the team? “That’s hard, everyone makes me laugh. Everyone is so funny, but I will have to say probably Krisy [Sampson], on our team, and Natalia [Ready]. Definitely, they are always making me laugh … and Marie [Fatou Gueye].”
What is the best advice you’ve received recently? “Every day, our coach sends us, like, a little motivational text in our team group chat and I think it’s just those things that you got to look at. … We have a sign in our locker room and it’s by J.J. Watt, and it says, “Success isn’t owned. It’s leased and rent is due every day.” … You have to work hard every day and you can’t take anything for granted. You have to give it all you have all of the time.”
Pizza or tacos? “Tacos, for sure.”
If a song played every time you walked into a room, what song would that be? “When our team plays “Gucci Gang,” they look at me ’cause I kind of know all the words of that one. So, that’s probably recently, but if probably it’s like a song from a Disney movie, I know all of them. I got the soundtracks on my phone.”
On your off time, what do you like to do?
“Well, in the summer I really like to swim. So, I’m either at the pool or the beach, but right now, I’m probably in my bed watching Netflix.”
–Compiled by Valeria Alanis