Symphony Orchestra
The UTRGV Student Symphony Orchestra will present a program featuring Concerto Competition winners in virtuosic works for violin and clarinet by Vieuxtemps and Rossini. The symphony will start at 7:30 p.m. in the UTRGV Performing Arts Complex on the Edinburg campus. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at http://patron.utrgv.edu or at the door. For more information, call 665-3881 or email patron@utrgv.edu.
Henna fundraiser
The Muslim Students’ Association will draw henna designs to raise funds from noon to 2 p.m. in the Student Union on the Edinburg campus. For more information, email ameera.khan01@utrgv.edu.
‘Fifty Shades Darker’
The Campus Programming Board will show the movie “Fifty Shades Darker” at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Theater on the Edinburg campus and PlainsCapital Bank El Gran Salón on the Brownsville campus. There will be prize drawings, popcorn and lemonade. For more information, email louay.bachnak01@utrgv.edu.
Denim Day
Student Rights and Responsibilities will provide information about the importance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Main Courtyard on the Brownsville campus. For more information, email douglas.stoves@utrgv.edu.
Scientific Method ‘myth’
Brian Woodcock, a UTRGV philosophy lecturer, will give a presentation on the myth of the scientific method, hosted by the Philosophy Club from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in the Edinburg Liberal Arts Building North. For more information, email alfredo.ovalle01@utrgv.edu.
Rehab Services info session
The Rehabilitation Services Program will conduct a general information session from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in Sabal Hall 1.102 on the Brownsville campus. Summer and fall schedules and practicum placements will be among the topics discussed. For more information, email Clinical Assistant Professor Antonio Aguirre Jr. at antonio.aguirre@utrgv.edu.
Bellezas del Mundo
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity Inc. will host a pageant to promote women empowerment and provide women with scholarships to continue their education from 2 to 10 p.m. in the Student Union Theater on the Edinburg campus. For more information, email lawrenceearl.pabalinas01@utrgv.edu.
Academic Fitness workshop
The Academic Advising Center will host a workshop on “Study Sprints: Preparing for Finals” from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in Sabal Hall 1.106 on the Brownsville campus. For more information, call 665-7120 or email academicadvising@utrgv.edu.
Healthy Relationships Fair
Access for Sex-Education will host a fair to educate students about healthy relationships from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Student Union on the Edinburg campus. For more information, email cathryn.torres01@utrgv.edu.
BSM Spring Concert
The Baptist Student Ministry invites the student body to attend its annual Spring Concert. The carnival-themed concert will have games, rides, food and live music from 5 to 9 p.m. in the Student Union on the Brownsville campus. For more information, email alondra.galvan01@utrgv.edu.
Superhero Day
Student Rights and Responsibilities will inform students on the importance of being an active bystander from 11 a.m. to noon in Main Building 1.005 in Brownsville. For more information, email douglas.stoves@utrgv.edu.
Paint Night
The Graduate Association of Social Work Students will host Paint Night at 6:30 p.m. in the Good Neighbor Settlement House, which is located at 1254 E. Tyler St. in Brownsville. Admission is $25. Proceeds will go toward operational expenses of the nonprofit agency. Free refreshments will be provided. For more information, call 542-2368.
Marimba concert
Andy Harnsberger, an associate professor of music and percussion coordinator at Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., will perform at 7:30 p.m. in the UTRGV Performing Arts Complex on the Edinburg campus. Tickets ($15 for adults, $10 for senior citizens and $5 for children and UTRGV students, faculty and staff) can be purchased at http://patron.utrgv.edu or at the door. For more information, call 665-3881 or email patron@utrgv.edu.
–Compiled by Marie Vallangca