Camila Herrera is a manufacturing engineering freshman and plays for the UTRGV Women’s Golf Team. Herrera is from Querétaro, Mexico. She enjoys going to the gym, reading and knows four languages: English, Spanish, German and French.

Q: What do you do for fun outside of golf?
A: “I go and hang out with my friends. I go to the gym. I like to go to, like, coffee places and read.”
Q: What kind of music do you like?
A: “I listen to everything a little bit. But right now, I think my favorite [artists are] C. Tangana and The Weeknd. Those are the ones I listen to the most right now.”
Q: What movies or shows do you like?
A: “Right now, I’m watching ‘This Is Us.’ Favorite movies, my go-to is ‘Mamma Mia!’”
Q: What motivates you?
A: “I think having clear goals and always something to strive for and knowing I can get better every day.”
Q: What are some current goals you have?
A: “It’s mainly around consistency. So, be really consistent in everything I do, especially right now that we are at the end of the season. If I’m consistent right now, then I’m going to have, like, better results for the last tournaments and conference.”
Q: Who is one of your role models?
A: “My mom. I think she always goes for what she wants. She sets her goals and even if it’s hard and, like, a lot of the things she has accomplished weren’t easy to get to, and she still believed she could do it and multitasked everything and still was able to do what she wanted and her responsibilities at the same time.”
Q: Would you want to keep playing or do something with your degree?
A: “I will always keep playing golf, but right now the plan is to do something with my major.”
Q: What do you like about UTRGV and the Rio Grande Valley?
A: “I’m Mexican, so I don’t feel that far away from home here. Generally, people are really welcoming, I feel. And UTRGV … like, the campus, how it’s set up, and the places you can go to, like, get a coffee, to study or hang out. Especially, like, the new green places: I really like it.”
Q: Do you have a fun fact about yourself?
A: “I studied my whole life in … a Swiss school in Mexico. So, the first language I learned after Spanish, it was, oséa, I’m actually fluent in German and then I speak English and some French as well. So it’s Colegio Suizo de México, so Swiss School of Mexico [Campus Querétaro].”
–Compiled by Jose Medina