Name: Dosun Lee

Major: Studio art with a concentration in ceramics
Classification: Junior
Graduation date: Spring 2025
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Extracurricular activities: “I’m in [the UTRGV] Ceramics Club.”
What are the differences between your hometown and the United States? “Oh, I guess different perspectives. Different cultures, like, I guess different ethics and values.”
If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? “I guess pasta, any kind. It’s just my happy meal. It makes me happy … seeing the different colors and different shapes.”
What is on your bucket list? “I guess go to a concert that I really like, but I haven’t been to a concert in a while. I would like to go see BTS.”
Who is your role model? “I don’t really have a role model. Someone that I look up to is Lady Gaga because I have seen her kind of grow in different areas. The person she has become … I guess the way she sees the world.”
Why did you choose studio art as your major? “I really like hands-on experiences, but at first, I was a nursing major, but it didn’t work out. So, I kind of wanted to go more towards being more expressive and I guess artisticwise and trying stuff that I’ve never tried before.”
What advice would you give other international students? “Enjoy the moment, because I feel like that’s something they don’t really do. … Most of the people who are international here are from Mexico. … I kind of understand. … They want to be the best to make their family proud. But sometimes, I see them so stressed. I wish they could, like, loosen up a little bit.”
–Compiled by Fatima Gamez Lopez