More than 150 students attended the Center for Student Involvement’s Greek Life Mixer, which provided Vaqueros with more information about sororities and fraternities.
The event was held Jan. 25 in the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus.
“UTRGV Fraternity and Sorority Life is here to enhance the college experience of our students while complementing the mission of the university through engagement, service, scholarship, and leadership opportunities,” according to a UTRGV Center for Student Involvement Fraternity and Sorority Life pamphlet.
Xochitl Hinojosa, a UTRGV graduate and coordinator of recruitment and orientation programs, said Delta Xi Nu sorority focuses on cultural awareness.
“We are a multicultural organization that’s based on diversity and cultural awareness throughout our local communities and throughout the world,” said Hinojosa, who was a member of the sorority as a student.

Abigail Ollave/THE RIDER
After gathering three stamps from tables at the event, students were able to redeem them for pizza and chips.
Joselito Hernandez, an electrical engineering junior, and a member of Omega Delta Phi, said they are a service and social fraternity and recalled a recent group initiative.
“Recently we helped out a [fraternity] brother,” Hernandez said. “His grandfather’s house burned down, so we went to go help renovate as much as we could. … We [also] made a GoFundMe for him.”
Hernandez said the fraternity focuses on brotherhood.
“We want to be close, like a lifetime of brotherhood,” he said.
This week, several fraternities and sororities will recruit Vaqueros who are interested in joining their organization.
Ramon Vasquez, an exercise science freshman and the vice president of social management for Phi Kappa Theta, said the fraternity likes to work with nonprofit organizations.
“We work with Children’s Miracle Network [Hospitals],” Vasquez said. “We like to do just anything for the public and for society.”
There are three councils and one fraternal organization at UTRGV: Interfraternity Council, National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, National Panhellenic Council and Multi-Cultural Greek Council.

Abigail Ollave/THE RIDER
The interfraternity council includes Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity and Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.
National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations include Alpha Psi Lambda Co-Ed, Kappa Delta Chi Sorority and Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity.
The National Panhellenic Council includes Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority and Delta Zelta Sorority.
The Multi-Cultural Greek Council includes Omega Delta Phi Fraternity, Sigma Lambda Gamma Society and Delta Zi Nu Sorority.
Phi Kappa Theta held its recruitment, Wing out W/Phi Kaps, last Friday. More information about joining the organization can be found here.
The same day, Phi Iota Alpha recruited prospective members in the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus.
Sigma Lambda Gamma held a recruitment event called DIY Hair Clips From 2 to 4 p.m. today in the Student Union on the Edinburg campus, according to its Instagram page.
The deadline to join varies for each fraternity and sorority.
Greek organization chapters are on both campuses. More information can be found here or by contacting