The following are among the incidents reported to University Police between Jan. 22 and 28.
Jan. 22
7:38 a.m.: An officer was dispatched to investigate a burglary alarm in the UT Health Rio Grande Valley Pediatric Specialties Clinic in Edinburg. Upon arrival, the officers determined an employee had accidentally triggered the alarm.
9:50 a.m.: Officers on foot patrol observed a man using his personal transportation device on the Bronc Trail on the Edinburg campus. Upon contact, the man was informed of the policy and left the area without further incident.
11:15 a.m.: An officer responded to a two-vehicle traffic collision in Lot E-9 on the Edinburg campus. No injuries were reported.
11:45 a.m.: An officer was dispatched regarding a suspicious man distributing books in the Interdisciplinary Engineering and Academic Center on the Edinburg campus. Upon arrival, it was determined the man did not violate any laws or university policies.
7:29 p.m.: A student reported being involved in a traffic collision with an unattended vehicle in Lot E-9 on the Edinburg campus. No injuries were reported.
Jan. 23
9:18 a.m.: An officer contacted a student who slipped due to the rain on the Lozano-Banco Bridge on the Brownsville campus. The student was not injured and refused emergency medical services.
11:21 a.m.: A faculty employee raised a concern about an individual possibly soliciting in the Student Union on the Brownsville campus. Officers contacted the individual, who said he was exercising his freedom of speech and was not selling any items. It was determined that no violation of university policy occurred.
11:41 a.m.: A student reported a male student had been following her to class and off campus. The case is under investigation.
3:20 p.m.: A student reported her wallet was stolen when she went to serve herself lunch in the Dining Hall on the Edinburg campus. The case is under investigation.
4:45 p.m.: Officers responded to a two-vehicle traffic collision in Lot E-27 on the Edinburg campus. No injuries were reported.
Jan. 26
3:05 p.m.: A resident assistant reported seeing blood on the ground and on the pedestrian gate at the Casa Bella Apartments on the Brownsville campus. After further investigation, the officer determined a student had sustained a nosebleed which caused the blood stains. The student was contacted and declined medical services.
Jan. 27
9:42 a.m.: Officers on foot patrol observed a student using her personal transportation device on the Bronc Trail on the Edinburg campus. Upon contact, the student was informed of the policy and left the area without further incident.
Jan. 28
11:40 a.m.: An officer responded to a two-vehicle traffic collision in Lot E-26 on the Edinburg campus. No injuries were reported.
11:11 p.m.: A student reported finding damage to her vehicle, which was parked and unattended in Lot E-21 on the Edinburg campus. The case is under investigation.
—Compiled by Narda Serna