December 22
10:22 p.m.: A family member of a student contacted University Police to report her brother was having problems with alcohol. She wanted to refer her brother to University Counseling Services to receive assistance.
December 24
1:10 p.m.: University Police patrolling the Edinburg Sports Complex reported seeing several empty beer cans underneath the bleachers and two metal trash cans that had been removed from their base. Both trash cans were damaged.The Sports Complex supervisor was notified.
December 28
11:15 a.m.: University Police responded to an individual who reported the construction office trailer on 200 N.Jackson Rd. had been burglarized.A desktop computer was taken. The burglary occurred between Dec. 22 and 28.
December 29
10:41 p.m.: Three suspicious individuals were reported seen in the UTRGV Sports Complex. Two were issued a written criminal trespass warning. One was issued a citation for minor in possession of alcohol and the other for furnishing alcohol to a minor. The remaining individual was a minor who was released to the custody of her mother.
January 4
9:01 a.m.: A staff member reported a broken window in a Mobile Science Lab, which had been parked for an extended period of time in the Physical Plant Compound. The estimated $150 damage appeared to have been caused by rocks being thrown during lawn maintenance.
9:52 a.m.: A a plant material being dried in an oven in the Brownsville Life and Health Sciences building was reported to have caused smoke in the building, which alerted University Police to investigate the odor. Environmental Health and Safety personnel activated the buildingโs fire alarm system and University Police
assisted with the building evacuation.
January 5
11:57 a.m.: An athletics staff member reported $300 missing from his office desk in the Health and Physical Education building. The cash stolen from his desk was not secure and was reported to be stolen between Dec. 17 and 31.
January 6
2:34 p.m.: A University bookstore staff member reported that video surveillance showed a student in a wheelchair grabbing some headphones and placing them between his back and the wheelchair. The student then left the premises. A detective recovered the headphones, valued at $64.64, after meeting with the suspect at his residence the next day. The report was forwarded to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office and charges will be filed with the Edinburg Municipal Court for the Class C misdemeanor theft charge.
–Compiled by Andrea Torres