Integrated health science senior Esther Martinez (left) watches biology senior Lluvia Garcia serve a volleyball during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon outside the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDERCriminal justice junior Emily Mendoza (from left), psychology sophomore Melany Figueroa, sociology junior Kayla Ramos and anthropology sophomore Phoebe Lopez roast their marshmallows during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon outside the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Also pictured is Juan Zermeño, the outdoor adventure student supervisor for University Recreation. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDERBiology sophomore Aleila Bercian (from left), business administration sophomore Benjamin Newman, biology sophomore Cristian Castillo-Rodriguez, and integrated health science sophomore Kaci Barrera face off in a game of foosball during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon in the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDERComputer science junior Bryan Alvarez decorates a tote bag during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon in the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDERMass communication junior Migueas Alvarez putts a golf ball during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon outside the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDERCyber security freshman Angel Garcia launches a bean bag during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon outside the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Also pictured is business administration junior Michael Pedraza. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDERMechanical engineering sophomore Erik Gamino (left) and psychology junior Emily Zapata try on different hats at the photo booth during the Welcome Back Bash Thursday afternoon in the University Ballroom on the Edinburg campus. Angel Ballesteros/THE RIDER