Exercise science senior
“I do not make friends, actually, because I’m really busy. I work graveyard shifts and I come to class in the mornings and afternoons and repeat. So, I kind of get naps in between [by] taking the bus, Vaquero Express. So, I’m usually always on the move.”

Nutritional sciences freshman
“Usually, the way I just make friends is I just join clubs. I start talking to people and, like, usually I like to surround myself with people with similar interests, right. So, it just makes it a whole lot easier. And, like, things I usually join are Chinese club and Korean club, … That’s pretty much it. It just comes naturally, I guess.”

Mass communication junior
“Usually, the way I seek out to make friends is doing activities. Like, here in UTRGV, they usually have a ton of activities to do and you’ll meet tons of people. I try to do as many as I can, but you can’t just really do, like, all of them, or whichever one you see. You also gotta check which ones you like ’cause you don’t want to meet people with different interests, like you might not get along. So, just try to go to events you like; that way, you’ll meet people with similar interests and you can get along with them.”

Biology freshman
“I would say by joining organizations or just talking, saying a quick hello to anybody in class to get to know somebody and ask questions to anybody around you.”