Marketing freshman
“Mostly, it’s the basics of having a [virtual private network] activated whenever you’re in public or not on a trusted connection, ’cause that’s one of the most common ways that people are able to take control of your device and take control of your information. It’s also important to be aware of the methods that hackers use to be able to access your information so that you can provide the appropriate countermeasures. So strong passwords, you don’t share your accounts with people, stuff like that.”

History freshman
“I don’t really go into dangerous websites and, I mean I guess something that I do is, when the website asks if you would like for the website to remember your password and username, I just say ‘always no.’ I mean, I do that … because I like remembering. So, the more you practice going into it, the less likely you are to forget, so maybe there’s that. I don’t know if that counts, but the truth is that I’m not really too well versed in cyber security … The university does hold very sensitive information about students, faculty and staff and just about everyone, especially having to do with, not only grade reports, because that is sensitive information, and it’s very personal too. But, overall, also the financial information that is involved with the student’s financial aid and that stuff that should be between you and the university and no one else should have access to it. So, when it deals with cases like that, yes, I do feel that the university–it’s very important for them to hold cyber security into account.”

Estudiante de último año en inglés
“Las medidas que tomo son no poner información privada en las redes sociales ni hablar de mi vida personal porque creo que eso es problemático para poner en las redes sociales y privado. Le debe de importar a la universidad no publicar nuestra información privada porque esa es información de todos los estudiantes y tienen que tomar medidas para asegurarse que es información se quede privada”.

“To stay cyber secure, normally, I would use a VPN, which is a virtual private network; that way, no one can track me. What I also do is, I also make sure I update my passwords regularly and change them around once in a while to make sure no one knows my passwords. I also make sure to know what websites I’m going into. Preferably, make sure not to go into any weird websites that are rather obscure, let’s put it that way, and that’s what I do to stay cyber secure. It’s that easy.”