Nursing sophomore
“I feel like some of the majors, like some of the major types of things like law enforcement, engineering, architecture, all of those, they should have it. But not too much because, think about it, it would be like, you’re working your butt off just so some kid from high school already has a for-sure spot. And, let’s say that’s the only spot, so you’re not going to get it because of that one kid, even though you’ve worked so hard for it. That’s why I don’t think all of them should, but some of the major ones should.”

Agricultural, environmental and sustainability sciences graduate student
“Well, I kind of haven’t thought about that for now, but I like the idea. I feel like it’s a good thing so people have something to look forward to, something they’re working towards that is sort of more secure. But, at the same time, it still gives other people the opportunity to come on the program.”

English senior
“Well, English is very, it’s pretty easy to get through, in my opinion, but I’m sure a lot of people have their own problems with it and I think it would be a good idea to have an early start to it in high school or, like, before coming to college. I know I took dual enrollment and it did help me when I needed it. As for other programs that are not within my own major, I see a lot of art students, fine arts, theatre, art in general or even music majors. They have a lot to do. They, you know, learn music, learn different instruments. I know they have to learn at least three or four instruments to complete some requirements for their major when it comes to music. For theatre, they have to take costume design, directing, acting, set design, all that kind of stuff and I think they would really benefit from early college programs where they could complete some of those lower-level classes and they could focus on the more demanding ones like directing ’cause I know that can be very demanding for a person and that kind of thing.

Computer science freshman
“I would like to see more courses on programming because when I was in high school, I had already decided I was going to pursue computer science and, so, a major part of it is programming. So, in my high school, I really didn’t have any choice. We didn’t really have any classes that actually involved programming. In my opinion, it would be good if there were classes that UTRGV would offer for high school students to actually get hands-on experience in programming so that they have a perspective on what they want to major and pursue in their life.”