nursing freshman
“So far, my first week of school has been pretty productive. We started a bit late due to the cold weather but my professors were able to [explain things] well enough to where we just caught up.”
“My first week of class went pretty well. I came here last semester. So, I had an easy time finding … my classes and overall I really like my professors. They are all very nice and lay out the work that we are going to be doing for the semester very well. I really enjoyed the first week here.”

undeclared freshman

mass communication sophomore
“Well, today is my first day [of] in-person class for both Edinburg and Brownsville. And for Edinburg, it was great, like, just the vibes and everything was great. I like my class. It was very fun. It was about mass media, which was really great but here in Brownsville, it’s my first time being here. It’s really great. … It’s just really pretty here [on] this campus and I just really like it.”
“It was good and pretty easy and it was really fun.”

integrated health science freshman

computer engineering junior
“My first week of school was great. It’s really cold. I am late to class right now, so I have to go. V’s Up, guys.”
—Compiled and photos by Alfredo Garcia Jr. and Estefania Ramirez