accounting sophomore
“I think my favorite Halloween costume is either like an FBI agent or a spy because you can just wear all black, and it is something everyone has. So, it’s like a five-minute costume idea.”
“I think this year I like the Kiss, Marry, Kill, like the tarot costume, because I think it’s creative and it’s a game we all played as a kid. So, I like that one.”

accounting sophomore

finance freshman
“My favorite Halloween costume is the inflatable shark because you can go swimming in the pool.”
“My favorite Halloween costume is a banana suit, because I’m a big fruit advocate and I like bananas.”

agriculture freshman

estudiante de último año de ingeniería civil
“Pues, mi disfraz favorito puede ser uno de pirata por que, pues, me gustan las películas de piratas”.
–Compiled and photos by Sofía Cantú Sauceda, Aura Velasquez and Daniela Martinez Salazar