To be honest with you, this is the hardest article/column I’ve ever written. Not because I ran out of ideas. Actually, it’s quite the opposite.
With so many things going on in this world and in our country, I could not decide whether to write about DACA, Trump, women’s rights or Hurricane Harvey. But, there is one thing they all have in common, us.
It is easier to think, “I am just a college student, I cannot change this world even if I wanted to,” but there is one truth.
We can all change the world. It all starts with an idea.
For example, if you are outraged and disappointed about Trump’s decision to end DACA and want to do something to support it, you can call your representatives at (202) 224-3121, or visit weareheretostay.org or whoismyrepresentative.com.
You are only one person, but this university has more than 27,000 students. Imagine if at least 20,000 of us would do something about the things we should all stand for?
I’ve been living in this country for only five years, and of the dozens of friends I thought I had in my hometown, I only have two. My entire life is here. My jobs, apartment, car, friends, everything. Even though I was lucky enough to enter this country legally, I am still a dreamer, because I dream that this country will give immigrants the same opportunities I’ve been granted.
I dream that immigrants can have the opportunity to achieve their dreams, just like I am working to achieve mine.
Let’s not take for granted the rights we have today.
I stand with them and so should you. You have a voice. Use it to make this world a better place.