Hulu Watch Party: ‘Attack on Titan’
Watch the last two episodes of “Attack on Titan” with the Student Union from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom. Attendees will be entered in a giveaway. RSVP is available on VLink.
Women’s Recovery
Join a nine-week support group for women to come together, receive support and empower one another at noon via Zoom hosted by the Collegiate Recovery Program. Email recovery@utrgv.edu for the Zoom link.
Holi 2021
Celebrate Holi, the festival of colors, by attending a virtual paint social from 4 to 5 p.m. via Zoom. The event is hosted by Campus Activities Board and International Admissions & Student Services. Attendees will be entered in a giveaway for a chance to win a painting kit. RSVP is available on VLink.
Movie Monday: ‘Knock Down the House’
Join the Cultural Council as they celebrate Women’s History Month by showing ‘Knock Down the House’ from 7 to 9 p.m. via Zoom. The documentary revolves around the 2018 congressional primary campaigns of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Amy Vilela, Cori Bush and Paula Jean Swearengin. RSVP is available on VLink.
Open Recovery
Join a support group for anyone seeking recovery from substance use, addictive behaviors or process addiction at 3 p.m. Tuesdays and noon Fridays hosted by the Collegiate Recovery Program. Email recovery@utrgv.edu for Zoom link.
Halo Tournament
The Student Union will host a Halo tournament from 5 to 6:30 p.m. via Discord. The winner will be given a UTRGV bundle. Participants must have a Discord account to compete. RSVP is available on VLink.
Future is Female Series
Immigration Attorney Jessica Cisneros and community organizer Natalie Marquez will speak from 5 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom as part of the Future is Female Series hosted by the Civic Engagement Alliance and the Political Science Association. Attendees will be given a chance to win a set of Apple AirPods, UTRGV merchandise and other prizes. RSVP is available on VLink.
The People Series
Learn about the legacy of American journalist, abolitionist and civil rights advocate Ida B. Wells from 6 to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom, hosted by the Center for Diversity & Inclusion and DREAM Resource Center. RSVP is available on VLink.
Smart Recovery
Join the Collegiate Recovery Program for a self-management and recovery training, a non-spiritual based peer support group at 11 a.m. via Zoom. Email recovery@utrgv.edu for Zoom link.
Voting: Misconceptions and Drawbacks
The Civic Engagement Alliance will host a discussion on misconceptions and drawbacks regarding voting and how they negatively impact the community from 3 to 4 p.m. via Zoom. Attendees will be entered in a giveaway. RSVP is available on VLink.
Women in Comics
Join the UTRGV Library for a discussion about women in comics from 5 to 6 p.m. via Zoom. RSVP is available on VLink.
Autism Awareness Day
The Civic Engagement Alliance will host a virtual information session on autism from 5 to 6:15 pm via Zoom. Attendees will have a chance to win VBucks following a Kahoot game. RSVP is available on VLink.
–Compiled by Omar E. Zapata